24/02, 2022

What is reproducible research?

  • Interlaced code, data (Raw) and text
  • Repos on github
  • in R: Rmarkdown (Rmd)

Goals for today

  1. First commit on github
  2. A code in a chunk
  3. An inlinecode
  4. A table in the Rmarkdown
  5. Generate a first data exploration with the database



  • Like “Google Drive” or “Dropbox” for code
  • Change control (We can go back to any previous version)
  • Code-based (ideally), but there are GUIs
  • Each project is a repository

Create first repository

  • Create account on github.com
  • Generate to GitPat usethis::create_github_token()
  • Store it with gitcreds::gitcreds_set()
  • Check it with usethis::git_sitrep()
  • Create repository on github

Create first repository

Copy the url

Let’s go back to RStudio

  • We create a new project

Paste the URL

The new git tab

The three?" repository steps

  • Git add: Add to the files to save
  • Git commit: Save to local repository (My computer)
  • Git push: Save to remote repository (In the cloud)
  • Others like git merge, git pull, git clone, etc.

Datasets to work

Git Add

  • Add a file to the repository
  • When not to do it?
    • Limit of a file of 100 Mb (Git Ignore)
    • Repository limit of one Gb
    • There are opitons such as DVC and/or Piggyback

Git commit

  • With this you say I want to save my changes on my hard drive
  • It is saved in your local repository (Your computer)

commit message

  • Must be relevant (example, don’t put Final Version 3, now I got it!)
  • If you make a mistake you can restore to any previous commit (if you know what it is)

Save the repository (git push)

  • With this you upload your commit to the cloud (it is backed up)

Classic mistake

Configure github

git config --global user.name "derek-corcoran-barrios"
git config --global user.email "derek-corcoran-barrios@gmail.com"

If that does not work

  • If you use windows install git
  • If you use mac
  • If you use linux
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install git


Reproducibility en R

  1. A folder
    • Raw data (csv, xls, html, json)
    • Code and text (Rmd, Rpres, shiny)
    • Results (Manuscript, Web Page, App)

Before you begin (import data)

  • So far we have used data (only for databases built into R)
  • From today we will use read_csv (For csv, for other files there are other functions)

Create a new Rmarkdown

Parts of an Rmd



# Title

## subtitle






  • echo = T o F show code
  • message = T o F shows message of packages
  • warning = T o F shows or does not show warning
  • eval = T o F runs or does not run the code
  • cache = T o F saves the result or not
  • For more options check this link

Inline code


  • Code interlinked with text
  • To update means, maximum, minimum
  • p-values, statistical differences
  • They can be vectors, and not tables.


You can test with the following code, link, copy it to an rmd file, install the pacman package and press knit and you could see something like this:


Lets Start with a readme file


Tablas: Kable

  • kable part of knitr, table exactly as shown
  • KableExtra improves it


Tabla <- msleep %>%
    group_by(vore) %>%
    summarise_at("sleep_total", .funs = list(Mean = mean,
        SD = sd)) %>%

vore Mean SD
insecti 14.940000 5.920557
omni 10.925000 2.949019
carni 10.378947 4.669116
NA 10.185714 3.004124
herbi 9.509375 4.878747

Lets improve

kable(Tabla, digits = 2)
vore Mean SD
insecti 14.94 5.92
omni 10.93 2.95
carni 10.38 4.67
NA 10.19 3.00
herbi 9.51 4.88


kable(Tabla, digits = 2) %>%
    kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("striped",
        "hover", "condensed"))
vore Mean SD
insecti 14.94 5.92
omni 10.93 2.95
carni 10.38 4.67
NA 10.19 3.00
herbi 9.51 4.88

KableExtra (cont.)

kable(Tabla, digits = 2) %>%
    kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("striped",
        "hover", "condensed"), full_width = F)
vore Mean SD
insecti 14.94 5.92
omni 10.93 2.95
carni 10.38 4.67
NA 10.19 3.00
herbi 9.51 4.88

Long tables

msleep_long <- msleep %>%
    dplyr::select(name, vore, sleep_total, brainwt)

kable(msleep_long, digits = 2, caption = "Whole database") %>%
    kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("striped",
        "hover", "condensed"), full_width = F) %>%
    scroll_box(width = "800px", height = "200px")
Whole database
name vore sleep_total brainwt
Cheetah carni 12.1 NA
Owl monkey omni 17.0 0.02
Mountain beaver herbi 14.4 NA
Greater short-tailed shrew omni 14.9 0.00
Cow herbi 4.0 0.42
Three-toed sloth herbi 14.4 NA
Northern fur seal carni 8.7 NA
Vesper mouse NA 7.0 NA
Dog carni 10.1 0.07
Roe deer herbi 3.0 0.10
Goat herbi 5.3 0.12
Guinea pig herbi 9.4 0.01
Grivet omni 10.0 NA
Chinchilla herbi 12.5 0.01
Star-nosed mole omni 10.3 0.00
African giant pouched rat omni 8.3 0.01
Lesser short-tailed shrew omni 9.1 0.00
Long-nosed armadillo carni 17.4 0.01
Tree hyrax herbi 5.3 0.01
North American Opossum omni 18.0 0.01
Asian elephant herbi 3.9 4.60
Big brown bat insecti 19.7 0.00
Horse herbi 2.9 0.66
Donkey herbi 3.1 0.42
European hedgehog omni 10.1 0.00
Patas monkey omni 10.9 0.12
Western american chipmunk herbi 14.9 NA
Domestic cat carni 12.5 0.03
Galago omni 9.8 0.00
Giraffe herbi 1.9 NA
Pilot whale carni 2.7 NA
Gray seal carni 6.2 0.32
Gray hyrax herbi 6.3 0.01
Human omni 8.0 1.32
Mongoose lemur herbi 9.5 NA
African elephant herbi 3.3 5.71
Thick-tailed opposum carni 19.4 NA
Macaque omni 10.1 0.18
Mongolian gerbil herbi 14.2 NA
Golden hamster herbi 14.3 0.00
Vole herbi 12.8 NA
House mouse herbi 12.5 0.00
Little brown bat insecti 19.9 0.00
Round-tailed muskrat herbi 14.6 NA
Slow loris carni 11.0 0.01
Degu herbi 7.7 NA
Northern grasshopper mouse carni 14.5 NA
Rabbit herbi 8.4 0.01
Sheep herbi 3.8 0.17
Chimpanzee omni 9.7 0.44
Tiger carni 15.8 NA
Jaguar carni 10.4 0.16
Lion carni 13.5 NA
Baboon omni 9.4 0.18
Desert hedgehog NA 10.3 0.00
Potto omni 11.0 NA
Deer mouse NA 11.5 NA
Phalanger NA 13.7 0.01
Caspian seal carni 3.5 NA
Common porpoise carni 5.6 NA
Potoroo herbi 11.1 NA
Giant armadillo insecti 18.1 0.08
Rock hyrax NA 5.4 0.02
Laboratory rat herbi 13.0 0.00
African striped mouse omni 8.7 NA
Squirrel monkey omni 9.6 0.02
Eastern american mole insecti 8.4 0.00
Cotton rat herbi 11.3 0.00
Mole rat NA 10.6 0.00
Arctic ground squirrel herbi 16.6 0.01
Thirteen-lined ground squirrel herbi 13.8 0.00
Golden-mantled ground squirrel herbi 15.9 NA
Musk shrew NA 12.8 0.00
Pig omni 9.1 0.18
Short-nosed echidna insecti 8.6 0.03
Eastern american chipmunk herbi 15.8 NA
Brazilian tapir herbi 4.4 0.17
Tenrec omni 15.6 0.00
Tree shrew omni 8.9 0.00
Bottle-nosed dolphin carni 5.2 NA
Genet carni 6.3 0.02
Arctic fox carni 12.5 0.04
Red fox carni 9.8 0.05